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Our Obstetric Fees

Dr Alexander is a solo obstetrician and gynaecologist offering private (one to one) care for women's health and various gynaecological conditions.

Dr. Alexander listens and discusses all aspects of your condition and addresses any concerns.

Our Difference

Over the past 20 years Dr Alexander has been present at more than 90% of all his patient’s deliveries.

For the few exceptions when Dr Alexander was involved in another emergency, he has relied on other senior obstetricians that share the same principle and values in obstetric practice. This ensures that you are in safe hands.

Your Complete Care

Dr Alexander's “complete private” care offers our patients continuity of care, there is always one to one consultations and discussion. You will be seeing Dr Alexander on all your antenatal visits and delivery.

This differs from some obstetric groups that are sometimes referred to as "private share groups” where you might be seeing a different doctor or midwife on your antenatal visits and also at the time of your delivery.

Our Full Care Service Provided by...
Complete continuity of care throughout your 9 months Yes with Dr Alexander
Senior Obstetrician with 17 years and over 5,000 deliveries Yes with Dr Alexander
Full Private Antenatal Management Yes with Dr Alexander
Doctor at your Delivery is our promise 97%
10 Scheduled Antenatal Consultations Yes with Dr Alexander
Personal Antenatal Discusions Yes with Dr Alexander
Management Fee coverage Yes- both Ante & Postnatal
Caesarean section No fee difference
Vaginal delivery No fee difference
High risk or complicated delivery No fee difference

Dr Alexander's Fees Explained

A small premium for peace of mind.

Items Our Gross Fee Your Out of Pocket
Initial Consultation $250 $173.20
Initial Dating Scan $60 31.00
5 visits to 28 Weeks $110/visit $341.50
5 visits 30-40 Weeks $110/visit $172.75
Postnatal visit $95 $19.55
Management Fee (depending on income) $2,800 $2400 to $2200
Total $4305 $3137 to $2937

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