You Are Pregnant
If you have a Positive Pregnancy Test it is time to make an appointment.
When you call our office, all newly pregnant patients meet with Dr Alexander to review your medical history and provide you with important information about having a healthy pregnancy.
The first visit involves
- a full examination
- a review of available prenatal testing,
- planning for further antenatal testing as required
- draw a brief plan for the second trimester.
The routine follow up antenatal visits will be
- every 4 weeks up till 28 weeks,
- every 2 weeks between 28-36 weeks and
- weekly afterwards until delivery.
Delivery mode and management is discussed throughout the third trimester.
About Pregnancy
A normal term pregnancy is 40 weeks. Births under 37 weeks gestation are considered preterm deliveries.
An “early preterm birth” occurs before 32 weeks. Early preterm babies may require special medical care as preterm babies can result in serious, long-term health problems, or may suffer from physical or mental disability.
Early Signs Of Pregnancy
Sometimes during the early stages of pregnancy some observed signs are:
- Fatigue,
- Dizziness,
- Tender breasts,
- Frequent urination or urinary tract infection,
- Constipation,
- Heartburn,
- Lack of hunger or unnatural food cravings and
- Mood swings are other possible complications
First Three Months
The first trimester (first three months) is the most critical time in a pregnancy because all the major organs of the baby develop during this period.
Care During Pregnancy
Prenatal care is very important to make sure you and your baby are healthy.
Dr Alexander may advise you to practice various measures to ensure better health and safe pregnancy.
Listed below are some of the common measures and therefore the list is not complete.
- Maintain a healthy, balanced diet by eating nutritious food that contributes to your baby’s growth and development. Dr Alexander may also suggest nutritional supplements or preparations containing calcium, iron, and folic acid. Folic acid prevents problems in your child’s brain and spinal cord. Folic acid is considered best if used before you become pregnant.
- Avoid taking any medicines, including over the counter medicines, if not suggested by Dr Alexander, as they may cause birth defects.
- Regular exercises may be beneficial during pregnancy as they may relieve the discomfort during pregnancy. Walking and swimming are most preferred and recommended. You must ensure that these exercises are not overdone. You should drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration.
- Avoid smoking, taking drugs such as heroin, cocaine, and alcohol as they may cause miscarriage, premature birth, and low birth weight of the infant.
- Avoid sitting in a sauna bath or hot tub as heat increases risk of miscarriages and birth defects.
- Sleep on your left side as it prevents the baby's weight from applying pressure to the large blood vessels that carry blood to the heart, feet and legs.
- Avoid intake of caffeine-containing products such as coffee or other drinks as it increases risk of miscarriage. Avoid eating shark, swordfish and tuna steaks as they may contain high levels of mercury that can damage the fetus' brain.
- Avoid cleaning cat’s litter box and eating raw or undercooked meat as it may cause toxoplasmosis, an infection that leads to chances of fetal eye and brain damage, poor growth, and premature birth.